Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Linen Closet Expose

With four beds in the house, all of different sizes, keeping track of all the stuff that goes with them is a challenge.

My daughter Andie suggested I write this article not only to share some insights with the rest of the world about what you need and don't need in your linen closet, but also to maybe gain some insight myself. The doors to my linen closet barely close.
There are a few things I know:
  • With three kids in the house, stock up on waterproof mattress pads. Someone always seems to be in a stage, and who knows what beds people will be sleeping in each night.
  • Color code the sizes, so you can always find the size you want. All the twin beds in my house are a blue of some sort, queen beds are red, king bed is white. Even in the darkest of night, I can make a bed.
  • Keep your flat sheets, your fitted sheets and your extra pillow cases inside one of the pillowcases when the sheets are in the closet. That way, everything is always together.
A few things I've tried that have bombed:
  • Storing luggage in the linen closet is a bad idea
  • I went through a labelmaker phase and labelled all the shelves. What a waste of time. I'd rather color code the sheets, because then I can throw them into the closet, slam the door shut (if it will shut) and keep moving.
  • Keeping towels in the linen closet is a bad idea. Everything gets all mixed up and looks like a mess. I am lucky to have a closet that can fit all my towels, and a different closet that can fit all my sheets. Very lucky.
Making lists like this always reminds me that I don't usually follow my own rules. I think I'll sign off now, and go relocate my luggage and my towels from the linen closet.

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