Monday, August 24, 2009

The Return of Suburban Zen, and the Daily Shower

As you may have noticed, I have been neglecting Suburban Zen lately. I know for certain my Mom has noticed, as she sends me a message each Sunday morning reminding me that she's missing Zen. The Furbers have been so busy living our fun and happy life this summer, there has been no time to write about it.

Well Mom, school starts tomorrow, and so does the discipline that rules during the school year, so no more lounging around enjoying the Summer for me. Tomorrow marks the start of:

Regular bathing so we don't have to ask "when was the last time you had a shower?"
Sleeping in pajamas every night rather than the occasional falling into bed fully dressed
Wearing clean clothes every day
Regular meals that loosely follow the food pyramid
Homework in the afternoons
No TV on the weeknights
Making lunches after dinner
Tidying up the house before we go to bed
Regular bedtime for all Furbers

Pay heed, Furber children. That list is for you.

With all that activity, there's plenty to write about, so look forward to the return of Zen's regular schedule of once or twice a week coming soon.

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Anonymous said...

Yeah......I'm happy that Zen is can school start tomorrow? School just ended.


Three schools and three drop offs and pickups...yikes

Clean Sweeper

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