Sunday, June 27, 2010

(I'm Hoping) One Woman's Junk is Another Woman's Treasure

JP and the Furber kids left for Olympia yesterday, and I have decided to fill my time by preparing for our upcoming tag sale. This morning was spent in my garage going through every cupboard, shelf and box looking for items we no longer need, want, or remember why we ever acquired in the first place.

I found many items in all categories, but most in the last one. I also found some interesting things that have me wondering:
  • Eight baseball gloves. We don't play baseball.
  • A box of hoses. All kinds. With no instructions, identification, or clues at all to what they're for.
  • At least 100 tiny cans of tomato juice. Yuck.
  • A tarp of some sort that smells like vomit.
  • All kinds of food. That's either JP hiding snacks from Jack so he won't eat them all in one day or Jack hiding the snacks he's found from JP. Either way, they're mine now.
In addition to all the strange and puzzling discoveries, I've amassed a big pile of treasures to sell, found a few things I thought I'd lost and had the best workout I've had all week. All in all, a good morning.

Now I just have to figure out how to get JP's fourth set of golf clubs, box of beer steins, and two big boxes of paper coasters into the sale without him noticing they're gone.

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