There are many projects in my life that are unfinished. In fact, I'd say most of them are in various stages of completion because real life often interferes with my plans to complete something from start to finish. A project that takes more than 60 minutes is destined to be spread over multiple days, sometimes weeks, and on occasion, years. Rather than think of my to do list as incomplete, think of it as a constant state of progress.
One project that feeds into that constant state of progress is the inspiration board that hangs over my desk. When my family created my little office corner (see post Let the Inspiration Begin!) my husband hung a huge linen board over the desk for all the various photos, tear sheets, swatches, and other ephemera that I tend to collect.
That board is now an ever-evolving compilation of things I think are beautiful, things that inspire me, and things that may evolve into a project of some sort in the future (when I find the time.) In my opinion, a good inspiration board is never done: I'll always be adding and sometimes subtracting as my sources of inspiration, tastes and interests evolve. My children have even gotten in on the action: Andie has a board in her room where she compiles inspiration for her wardrobe.
And a project that doesn't have a defined end and is satisfying anyway? I highly recommend it.
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