Saturday, April 4, 2009

Road Trip!

The Furber family set out for our annual Easter vacation road trip to Sun Valley last night. Typically, we take two days to make the trip: one day to Winnemucca then next day on the home stretch. This time we decided on a whim to pull an all nighter, so we left @ 9:30 pm Friday and arrived @ 9am Saturday.

The prep for the road trip was very easy this time because we packed in a flurry and the kids slept the whole way. Usually it takes a little longer and we prepare our secret weapon -- the road trip bag.

A few years ago for Christmas, Santa gave the Furber kids a canvas bag filled with everything three kids need to occupy themselves on a twelve hour road trip:
Pens, pencils and crayons
An Etch-a-Sketch
A Rubik's Cube
Travel Scrabble, Battleship and Operation
Card Games
A Pocket IQ Test that we've all failed
Electronic 20 Questions and BlackJack
Travel pillows, cozy plush throws and headphones for everyone

After every trip we clean out the road bag, tuck everything back in and get it ready to go for the next trip. Furber kids are quiet and happy the whole way (mostly), and the outbursts and frustration are kept to a minimum.

I wish Santa would hook me up with a road trip bag of my own.

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