Sunday, January 17, 2010

Resolution #3 -- Read More Than We Watch TV

This resolution shouldn't be too hard: we all love to read, we all know how, our house is filled with books, and I have no clue how to operate the TVs in our house.

In a recent blog post for Benjamin Moore, my friend Clay turned me onto, a free book swapping service that allows you to trade your used books for used books submitted by other reading enthusiasts. Bookmooch has books in all categories: children's books for Katie, romance for Andie, adventure for Jack, history and biography for JP, and just about anything else for me.

I'll be sending my first package of books off to this week and acquiring a copy of Ann Patchett's The Magician's Assistant to carry me through February. Furber family, put in your requests. I'm also hiding the remotes this week.

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dad aka gramps said...

Trading books is a great idea. I also encourage you to support your local, independent book stores, new and used. Book stores, any book store, is a place of calmness and beauty but the local, independents are the most beautiful of them all. I was in Bookman's just the other day, a local independent store in Tucson, purchasing a couple of books for a dedication shelf at our church library. Upon checking out, the cashier began to jump up and down, shout and holler with glee. In a matter of seconds, other store employees began hollering for joy and running toward me. It seems I had randomly been selected for a free book. A free book, and all I had to do was show up. No rewards card, no purchase tracking, just show up. Now ya can't get that at the chain stores !! Change your focal, go local, be happy !!!

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