Friday, January 1, 2010

A Glimpse Into the Future

As I roam around my house generally addressing the decorating dilemmas of a working mother with three kids, I sometimes wonder what my house will look like when my kids are grown up and I no longer need to decorate around them.

I got a glimpse into (what I hope is) the future last night when JP and I saw the movie "It's Complicated." The movie was fine, but the real star for me was the situation and the set design.

Firstly, Meryl Streep plays Jane Adler, a woman with three grown children who look remarkably like what I imagine Andie, Jack and Katie will look like when they're grown up.

Secondly, Jane lives in a house that's the cozy, comfortable, casual version of my future dreamhouse. She has a beautiful kitchen that's stylish and slightly messy:

She doesn't seem to have many extra rooms, but those she has are big and filled with comfortable furniture:

Her house is filled with an eclectic mix of objects and furniture that appear to have been assembled over a lifetime:

And she has a gorgeous vegetable garden on her property that no doubt provides an endless supply of produce to her beautiful kitchen:

I can do without the divorce and all the other drama, but I can certainly imagine JP in Jane Adler's garden, and myself in her kitchen, cooking for Andie, Jack and Katie when they come home for a visit.

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